Sometimes life does not match what is expected. but i know in our life given many choices. depending on whether we have the will to choose life or whether in fact the opposite is not merely to breathe, or just stay on this earth, there are still many things we must do in order to make us more meaningful and could meaning of life.and I know that learning is not just for those who are born in fortunate circumstances. we all have equal opportunity has particularly those, where there is a will,there's way.

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Make a dream in my mind

Aku benar-benar heran dengan pikiranku sendiri, entahlah terkadang sesuatu yang kupikirkan bertolak belakang dengan keadaan.Liburan yang seharusnya aku gunakan to refresh my mind, tp ternyata kerinduan untuk berjumpa dengan kampus tercinta kembali hadir. Ah, entahlah, jika aktifitas di kampus back again aku kepengin libur jd binung sendiri.Speak2 vacation ingin rasanya ku kunjungi pulau yang terletak sekitar 83 km dari jepara, katanya'a seh tuh pulau keren abiz, jauh dr keramaian apalagi pantainya belum terkontaminasi dg orang2 yang buang sampah sembarangan.kemaren aku coba buat googling di mbah google ternyata bener pantainya great view mengalahkan "edensor" (ya iyalah jelas edensor kan bukan pantai tp nama sebuah desa di pinggiran kota inggris sono...:P). wish one day i'll be there he..he..he

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